How to Create a Fusion Slider (Avada)

The Avada theme has a built in slider (Fusion Slider). Here’s the difference between a “slider” and a “slide” and how to edit or set one up. To read Avada's full documentation on all the specific slide/slider settings, click here.

Slider: this is the collection of slides that you assign to a specific location. You must create the slider first. Slide: this is one panel that you assign to a specific slider (can be assigned to more than one slider).

Create a Fusion Slider

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Fusion Slider > Add or Edit Sliders tab on the left sidebar.
  3. Give your slider a name by entering it in the ‘Name’ field (Example: Product Testimonials).
  4. Shortcode is usually the same as the name and allows the slider to be used as a shortcode in a page or post. (Example: product-testimonials).
  5. Under the ‘Slider Size’ option, enter your slider’s width and height (default settings will result in average slider dimensions).
  6. Check the ‘Full Screen Slider’ checkbox if you want it to fill the entire screen (before scrolling).
  7. Customize other options as desired (parallax, navigation options, autoplay, slide loop, animation, etc.)
  8. Click ‘Add Slider’ button at the very bottom to save your slider.

Create a Fusion Slide

Once you’ve created a Slider, you can now create Slides to assign to any existing Slider. Slides are where you create your and upload your content to be displayed on the Slider.

  1. Navigate to Fusion Slider > Add or Edit Slides tab on the left sidebar.
  2. Click the ‘Add New Slide’ button at the top of the page.
  3. Give the slide a descriptive name (Example: John Doe Testimonial).
  4. Enter your heading (large text), and/or captions (small text).
  5. Choose heading/caption background color, if any (helpful if you have a busy background image).
  6. Choose to link a button, or full slide if you want the user to click anywhere.
  7. In the Button #1 or Button #2 box, paste the link the the slider button should go to between the quotation marks after 'fusionbutton link=.
  8. On the right, click Featured Image and upload or choose the background image.
  9. To assign the slide to a slider, check the box next to the slider name in the Fusion Sliders option box in the right sidebar. Any slide you create can be assigned to any slider. fusion-assign-slide-to-slider.jpg
  10. Click the ‘Publish’ button to save the slide.

Edit Fusion Slider

If you want to slow down the slide time or adjust the color of the pagination circles on an existing slider, you'll click Edit underneath the slider name.

  1. Navigate to Fusion Slider > Add or Edit Slides tab on the left sidebar.
  2. Find the slider you want to edit on the right, and click Edit underneath.
  3. Make your changes to the height, slide time, etc. then scroll down and click Save.

To read Avada's full documentation on all the specific slide/slider settings, click here.

Last updated on 22nd June 2020

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