How to Add a Simple Product in WooCommerce
A simple product is the most basic option to create a product in WooCommerce, the plugin used for selling products on WordPress websites.
How to Add a Simple Product in WooCommerce
From the WordPress Dashboard:
- Products > Add New
- Type in Product Title
- Add product description in the large text box, if desired (this shows up on the bottom of the product page)
- Under 'Product Data (Simple Product),' add product price
- Add 'Product short description,' if desired (this shows up underneath the title on the product page)
- Click 'Add product image' and upload image or select from Media Library
- Under 'Product gallery' add additional images if desired (will show as thumbnail images under the main image on the product page)
- Under 'Product categories' check the appropriate boxes to assign this product to different product pages
- Under 'Product tags' add additional, specific sorting options, if desired
- Click 'Publish'