How to Add a Simple Product in WooCommerce

A simple product is the most basic option to create a product in WooCommerce, the plugin used for selling products on WordPress websites.

How to Add a Simple Product in WooCommerce

From the WordPress Dashboard:

  1. Products > Add New
  2. Type in Product Title
  3. Add product description in the large text box, if desired (this shows up on the bottom of the product page)
  4. Under 'Product Data (Simple Product),' add product price
  5. Add 'Product short description,' if desired (this shows up underneath the title on the product page)
  6. Click 'Add product image' and upload image or select from Media Library
  7. Under 'Product gallery' add additional images if desired (will show as thumbnail images under the main image on the product page)
  8. Under 'Product categories' check the appropriate boxes to assign this product to different product pages
  9. Under 'Product tags' add additional, specific sorting options, if desired
  10. Click 'Publish'
Last updated on 13th January 2021

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